Appointment fees

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Let’s Eat! Feeding Therapy is a practice that focuses on feeding and swallowing difficulties only, our specialist prices are listed below.

Type of appointment What is involved Time of appointment Cost
Baby 6 months and under Breast/bottle feeding assessment with a feeding plan and summary 1 page letter.

90mins $270
Straightforward assessments

Toddler 7 months and older – school aged.

Feeding assessment with a feeding plan and summary 1 page letter.

This appointment is for straightforward appointments, children generally do not have a diagnosis. This is completed over 1 appointment.


Screening appointments are offered to eligible clients.

90mins $330
Complex assessments

Children from birth – school aged

2 appointments are booked for 1 hour each.

1st appointment: parent only - $193.99

2nd appointment: parent + child - $193.99

3-4-page Report – 1.5 hours ($290.98) time billed

This appointment is for complex clients, your child might be tube fed or have a diagnosis. This is completed over 2 appointments.


3 hours total



Straightforward follow up

Therapy appointments

Therapy appointment with a summary at the end of the appointment.

45-50 mins $190
Complex follow up

Therapy appointments

Therapy appointment with a typed summary at the end of the appointment.

60 mins (direct)

10 mins (indirect)

Review assessments Reviews appointments are "mini" assessments and are for children who have not been seen for 1 year (or longer).  A summary letter will be provided to your doctor if an EPC is required.

90mins $270
Review reports If you require a report for funding purposes (including NDIS review reports) this will be billed according to the time taken. You will be quoted “up to 2 hours” and charged only for the time taken to write the report as discussed with your therapist.

Up to 2 hours $193.99 - $387.98

Additional charges - will be discussed with you prior

  1. Reports for third party eg school feeding management plans, letters to supplement GP referrals to specialists.
  2. School and preschool visits (travel fee included)
  3. Home visits
  4. Extended phone calls and resulting feeding planning with other therapists
  5. Ongoing phone consults and extensive email follow up with families after initial appointments.
  6. Skype/Zoom calls with families or other professionals.
  7. Modified Barium Swallow (xray hospital swallow assessments) - referral paperwork and if required, attendance during the assessment.

What to bring to your first appointment

Type of appointment What to bring
Baby Bottles (if used), their blue book and any reports. A video on your phone of them feeding (breast/bottle) at home is also useful.
Toddler/preschooler Food to eat for the appointment (generally some foods they eat well and foods they struggle with), a drink, bib and change of clothes as well as their blue book. A video on your phone of them eating at home is also useful. For regular therapy appointments, your therapist will advise what to bring.
School aged child 3 foods they eat well, 3 foods they don’t eat, a drink and any relevant reports. A video on your phone of them eating at home is also useful.  For regular therapy appointments, your therapist will advise what to bring.
Parent appointment Just yourself and any medical/allied health reports written about your child. A video on your phone of the family meal at home is also useful.
Telehealth appointments Your therapist will send you the telehealth link (Zoom platform) 5 days before your appointment. Any food required for the therapy appointment with your child will be advised at this time.

We have a mini kitchen in the clinic so can heat up anything you need for the appointment.