Do you have an orchid or dandelion eater?
Some of you may have read or heard about the concept of “dandelion vs orchid” children in relation to highly ...

ARFID vs PFD – what is it?
Did you know that the month of May is when we as feeding therapists build awareness about the diagnosis Paediatric ...

What is your feeding approach?
At Let’s Eat! we often get asked by parents and professionals about our feeding approach. After working in the industry ...

Starting Solids: Keeping safe with Baby-led Weaning
Welcome to part 2 of our “starting solids” blog. In the last post we focused on the more traditional “parent-led ...

Practice makes perfect
Practice made perfect is the title of a journal article published in 2008. Although this article is now 12 years ...

Starting solids, parent-led weaning or baby-led weaning?
There is so much information online about starting your baby on solids which can make it very confusing and challenging ...

Paediatric Feeding Disorders (PFD) – the new diagnostic term..
Paediatric Feeding Disorders and why you may see us using this term in your child’s feeding reports. Up until recently, ...

We are looking for a new therapist to join our team!
The catch is? Your role will be in paediatric feeding only as per our specialist feeding private practice. The upside? ...

Responsive feeding therapy
In Australia, we are limited as therapists with the ease of accessibility to feeding training. Don’t get me wrong, there ...

How can I get feeding therapy for my child when I can’t go to a clinic in this COVID-19 telehealth world?
For the last 2 weeks, we have successfully helped many children with feeding difficulties. For older children, sitting at a ...

What I don’t recommend doing when you come to eat with your fussy eater…
Today in our Let’s Eat Team meeting, Ashleigh and I talked about fussy eaters and mealtime stress. The phrase of ...

32 steps to eating- walking the journey of a fussy eater.
Being a food explorer in Japan was certainly an experience. For the first time, I was able to feel how ...

Swallowing tablets? Do you or your child have difficulties with it?
Do you know this is a question I often get asked and I know when I worked in acute hospitals, ...

Are mealtimes a cause of stress in your household?
Here is my 6 step plan on how to serve it up and hopefully enjoy that family meal. How were ...
One Handed Cooks: Boosting your basics – Feeding Speech Pathology review and their “gold nuggets”!
When the One Handed Cooks team released their second book, I headed to the shops (twice) to look for their ...

The power of waiting…
The greatest art is to sit and wait and let it come – Yogi Bhajan The art and power of ...

Crunch and Sip… how to support your fussy eater
Crunch and sip (also called fruit break) is an Australian initiative across primary schools that encourages all children to stop ...

Are we relying too much on snack foods?
I do hate it when we demonise snack foods and make martyrs of healthy foods – food is food and ...

Do you label food as GOOD? BAD? HEALTHY? UNHEALTHY? with your child.
I had a conversation with a mum today about her child who has recently started watching you tube videos and ...

Do you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and fussy eating?
Do you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and fussy eating? Have you tried different therapy strategies with ...

The tragedy of the device and our never-ending to-do lists.
In our every fast paced life of to-do lists and devices, there are moments in my life and moments that ...

Meal planning – the Queen of organisational meal planning has given us her top 8 tips
Meal planning is a sanity saver especially when it comes to children with fussy eating and feeding difficulties. I often ...

Stop asking your child – “what would you like for dinner?” – what to say instead to your fussy eater…
Day in day out, I see children with feeding difficulties and fussy eating difficulties. As a Paediatric Feeding Speech Pathologist ...

Fatten Charlie Project – when you are worried about your fussy eater’s weight…
Fatten Charlie* Project….. Were the words that a mum used to describe her child’s feeding journey when we first met ...

Reader question: “What do I do if my toddler refuses their dinner meal – let them go hungry? or give them another meal?
Reader question: “What do I do if my toddler refuses their dinner meal – let them go hungry? or give ...

Sippy cups? Straw? Regular cups? which one is best for my child?
Sippy cups? Straws? Open cups? Which one is best for my child? Firstly, don't over think it, it can be ...

Let's Eat! Paediatric Speech Pathology is hiring!
We are looking for another passionate Speech Pathologist to join our team... Let’s Eat! Paediatric Speech Pathology is a private ...

Let’s take a chill pill with the healthy school initiative…. I am appealing to you as a Feeding Speech Pathologist and parent (with a personal story)
Let’s take a chill pill with the healthy eating initiative – I am appealing to you as a Feeding Speech ...

Supporting your child’s eating at daycare and preschool
A patient of mine recently contacted me about her child's eating at daycare and it got me thinking about this ...

Fussy eating is not the “new normal” – keep that glass half full and wait for your silver lining.
Oh how wonderful it was to have 7 days away on a family break. This was my view where I ...

One Handed Cooks book review – top 5 reasons why I love this book!
Good morning! Well you already know my readers that I am a fan of the One Handed Cooks blog and ...

I’m worried that my fussy eater isn’t getting enough iron…
As you know, I recently wrote a blog post on chewing difficulties and fussy eaters for the lovely Kyla from ...

Nipple confusion – fact or fiction?
Nipple confusion – fact or fiction? Being a feeding therapist and Speech Pathologist has lots of advantages, one of them ...

Are you pressuring your child to eat? Then read this please…
Oh it’s been a while since I’ve blogged and I apologise to you all. My practice has been super busy ...

Drooling… dribbling… when is it normal in children and when to seek help?
The official definition of drooling/dribbling is the unintentional loss of saliva from the mouth. Drooling normally starts around 18-24 months ...

Part 2: Reducing mealtime battles and improving fussy eating.
Part 2 – As you know, one month ago I started following Ellyn Satter's division of responsibility principles to the ...

Reducing the mealtime battles and fussy eating – ‘Division of responsibility’ (Ellyn Satter) in real life.
As you know I recently attended the 3 day Ellyn Satter Australian tour in early September looking at The Feeding ...

Do you believe everything you read?
Do you believe everything you read? I hope the answer is “no”. But if you’re like me, then sometimes as ...

Stop the power struggles at meals – why I like buffet style meals
Thank you for the awesome response to my last blog post on "dessert after dinner?", the Facebook post had 24 ...

Do you offer dessert if your child doesn’t finish their dinner?
It's been a while since I blogged and I apologise for that. Life got busy, in particular, my clinics got super ...

Australian Doctor article – raising awareness about the role of a Speech Pathologist helping children who struggle with textured food
AUSTRALIAN DOCTOR CASE STUDY ARTICLE - Published in their magazine on 18th April 2014. Permission given to also have my ...

Feeding therapy – which one is best?
Okay, it's been a bugbear of mine for a while and this morning, I felt like discussing a controversial topic ...

How to help a child with fussy eating survive the Christmas family meals
Christmas is such a delicious nourishing eating time for most people (eg prawns, ham, yummy salads and our Aussie pav ...

Choking vs gagging – when do I need to be worried as a parent?
Quick - help him, he is choking!! Do you feel like you are saying this inside your head or even ...

The importance of good positioning during mealtimes
The importance of good positioning during mealtimes I am so excited to have my colleague from The Little Foodies team, ...

Reading books with your child
I've been having lots of conversations about books with my patients this week - what age to introduce them, when ...

The link between eating and speaking
Another guest blog post and I'm so honoured to have done this one for the One Handed Cooks. Check out ...

The role of a Speech Pathologist in feeding difficulties
I was so lucky to be asked to do a guest blog post for The Mummy Project, check out the ...

My top 5 toddler feeding equipment
Every time I visit a family home for a feeding assessment for their child, I frequently turn up with my box ...

Banana pancakes anyone?
I love making pancakes for my family on the weekend. And if I'm awake enough, I usually double the recipe ...

Healthy muffin recipe for toddlers (and learning to chew bubs)
When treating toddlers with chewing difficulties, I always struggle with "easy to chew" snack ideas. There are only so many ...

Tongue Ties – will it affect your child’s feeding skills and speech skills?
Babies with tongue ties (medically termed as “Ankyloglossia”) are one of the common referrals Paediatric Feeding Speech Pathologists get. They are ...

Dummies, Dummies, Dummies – A Speech Pathology perspective.
Will dummies help or hinder feeding and speech development? I was recently chatting with some new mums about the facts and ...

Fussy eater or Resistant eater, how do you tell the difference? My top 10 tips
I am often asked about fussy eaters in my practice, “Let’s Eat! Paediatric Speech Pathology”. It seems like everyone has ...

When to introduce solids to your baby?
To start or not to start - the introduction of solids... The conundrum! When should I start my baby on ...