If you haven’t made contact with us yet (and don’t have an appointment), please contact our secretary on 4911 2364.

If you do have an appointment booked, the admin team should have sent you an INTAKE FORM. If you haven’t received it, please check your junk folder first and then contact our secretary on 4911 2364 to double check your email address. The intake form is very important to read before your appointment as it covers all necessary details about fees, policies and procedures.
Where to come?
33a Morehead Street Lambton
We are located opposite Lambton park and share rooms with Early Start Speech Pathology.
Street parking is 1-2 hour on Morehead street but there is also a 3 hour car park on De Vitre street (behind Elder street). If you drive round Lambton Park, it is often easier to park on Howe Street (unlimited parking) and then it’s just a matter of crossing the park diagonally.
There is also a handicapped parking spot opposite our clinic (but it is sometimes taken). If in doubt – chat with your therapist about options especially if your child is in a wheelchair.
Speech Pathology appointment rebates can be claimed via the
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS),
- Private health funds (if speech pathology is listed on your cover) or
- Medicare (conditions apply – see below).
Medicare EPC rebates – Only GPs can decide if you are eligible for this rebate.
In order to qualify for the 5 visits annually clients will need to qualify for a GP Management Care Plan first, then a TCA – Team Care arrangement. If they qualify for both of these, then they access the Enhanced Primary Care program which will give 5 annual visits each calendar year.
- GP Management Care Plan – To qualify for a care plan, a client needs to have a chronic care disease that will be ongoing for 6 months or longer or have a terminal illness. Speech or feeding issues on their own are not considered a chronic disease.
- Team Care Arrangement – If you qualify for the GP Management Care Plan, clients then need to currently see 2 other health care providers apart from their GP. Both who provide different kinds of treatment. These providers can be specialist or allied health providers. For feeding issues, this might be a Speech Pathologist and a Dietitian.
Patients cannot obtain an EPC – Enhanced Primary Care referral for Speech Pathology if they do not qualify for both the GP Management Care Plan and the Team Care Arrangement.
Final things to remember
- We have a strict 48 hour cancellation notice period for all appointments, if you cancel within 48 hours, you will be billed for the cost of the session.
- If your child has allergies or intolerances, please contact us BEFORE their appointment as a risk assessment must be completed to keep your child safe. Our clinic is exposed to all allergens including dairy, wheat, nuts and seafood.